Before you can start publishing a webcast video feed, you must have sent us your Vonage details.
Camera Feed Information
Please Note
You cannot publish a Webcast in any browser other than Chrome
βRemove feed when finished with the Webcast as this may continue to broadcast and could be costly
For the public view Internet Explorer is currently only working with WebRTC in some instances of Windows 7 and 8 if the User installs a plugin.
In all new versions of Internet Explorer and Windows (10 and beyond) a User will see a pop up message confirming WebRTC is not supported and advises the User to use another browser
If using WebRTC for AUDIO only the public user will still see a small black box displaying on the right hand side of the screen above the lots
Please Note
A Webcast stream will not show automatically in the front end before the auction start time is reached. To show the screen in the front end, prior to the auction start time, click the Start Auction button in the settings tab of the Webcast console
Guidelines for setting up and running WebRTC
Please Note
Only WebRTC streaming is now supported. Ustream, Streamhoster and Planet Stream are no longer supported by our system and are defunct.
You need to set this up in the Webcast Auction Console under the Settings tab (see below image)
Select Feed Provider as WebRTC (HTML5 streaming)
Select Feedtype as Video (When selected, the run test button will disappear as it's now redundant)
Click Send
Click Start Publishing to start the video stream (to stop the video feed click Stop Publishing as in image below)
Select Allow in the pop up screen to allow camera and mic
On the public front end you should see the video displaying on the right hand side above the lots. The User has the option to show/hide the video
If you are only streaming audio, the user will see the following:
Once you are streaming, you will see a red dot in your tab, as follows:
To change Camera and/or Microphone
To change Camera and/or Microphone, click on the Camera Icon that appears in the URL bar once the Start Publishing button has been clicked - See image below: