One of the key things you'll need to know how to do as a webcast clerk is to change the asking price so that you can keep up with any changes the auctioneer makes on the fly. Below is the various ways you can do so.
Asking Price Box
Click within the Asking Price text box or just hit 'a' on your keyboard, enter the asking price and hit return.
Press return again to quickly place the bid.
Bids Column
Click once on any amount visible in the Bids column, found in the far left of the Webcast Console.
Click the same amount twice to immediately place the bid.
Once clicked, the asking price will be instantly changed to this amount in both the Webcast Console and the public site in real time.
Please Note
If an item has already received bids to a certain amount (e.g. £140) and the asking price is subsequently lowered (e.g. to £100) the bids that were of a greater amount than the edited asking price will be instantly cancelled. The cancelled bids, however, can be reinstated very easily by clicking on the Reinstate button next to each bid. (see image below)