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How to Group and Sell Items in the Webcast Console
Written by Day Tring
Updated over a week ago

You have the option to group and sell items from the Webcast Console during a live Webcast auction if you wish. There are several options, which are explained below.

  • Sell as One Money

  • Sell Group with Full Choice

  • Full Choice - Floor Bidder Wins

  • Full Choice - Internet Bidder Wins

  • Sell Group with Numerical Order Choice (not currently supported)

  • Numerical Order Choice - Floor Bidder Wins (not currently supported)

  • Numerical Order Choice - Internet Bidder Wins (not currently supported)

Sell as One Money

Selling as "One Money" is a term commonly used in U.S. live auctions and describes selling a selected group of items for one fixed price, i.e. the amount of money being offered is the total for all items sold within that group. The winning bidder would successfully win all items within that group and has no choice to select specific items from that group.

  • Select the lots / items to group in the Lot Listing window by highlighting them with a tick box


  • Click Group

  • Set the Choice dropdown to None

  • Set the Bidding dropdown to One Money

  • Click Create to group the items/lots together and sell as one


  • You should now have the items grouped together as follows:


  • These lots will now be sent to the ring as one group as follows:


Sell Group with Full Choice

Selling with Full Choice means the winning bidder will be given total freedom to select the items they want to purchase within the group

  • Select the lots / items to group in the Lot Listing window by highlighting them with a tick box (see image 1 above)

  • Set the Choice dropdown to Full

  • Set the Bidding dropdown to Per Lot or Per Item

  • Click Create

Full Choice - Floor Bidder Wins

  • Once you click the Sell button the button itself changes to Confirm Choice

  • Select (tick box) the items to sell on the lot listing window and click Confirm Choice

Please Note

If the items have not been selected properly, the Confirm Choice button's text will turn Red

  • The items not selected should now be left in the ring for bidding

Full Choice - Internet Bidder Wins

  • The Internet bidder bids on the items as per the usual Webcast front end bidding

  • Once the winning bid sells, the Internet bidder will get a pop up notification confirming their winning bid

  • The Internet bidder will then have Lot/Item choices populated in the Item Information box, which they can tick to select - then click SEND to confirm the choices to the Webcast Clerk

  • The Internet bidder's chosen Items/Lots then show in the Webcast Console as below

  • Click Confirm Choice to allow the sale of these Items/Lots

  • The items not selected should now be left in the ring for further bidding

Please Note

Should the internet bidder not respond to their choice request in a timely fashion, it may be advisable to send them an online message.

  • In extreme cases it is possible to click Undo (see above image) to return the lot back to the ring and public bidding

Sell Group with Numerical Order Choice (not currently supported)

Numerical Order Choice means the winning bidder has the choice of items / lots but must choose them in numerical order - e.g. Lots 1 to 3 of 5 lots available. They cannot select lots 1 and 4, for example, but they can take lots 1 to 4.

  • Select the lots / items to group in the Lot Listing window by highlighting them with a tick box (see image 1 at the top of the page)

  • Set the Choice dropdown to Numerical Order

  • Set the Bidding dropdown to Per Lot or Per Item

  • Click Create

Numerical Order Choice - Floor Bidder Wins (not currently supported)

See Full Choice - Floor Bidder wins.

Numerical Order Choice - Internet Bidder Wins (not currently supported)

See Full Choice - Internet Bidder wins.

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