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Item Fields Explained
Written by Day Tring
Updated over 8 months ago
  • When creating items for an auction leave item Type empty to default to Lot or else specify the type as Listing, Multi Item or Webcast.

  • Changing the item type changes the defaults fields required on that item. The system will alert you to these in red.

  • Once the item has been converted its Type cannot be changed, so ensure the type is correct before converting.

Item Types

  • Lot - used in Timed auctions and allows bidding on it. It can also have purchase options set (e.g. Buy Now or Make Offer). Lots have a specified end date and time, at which point the highest bidder will win the item (subject to bidding extensions).

  • Listing - a listing does not allow bidding but can have purchase options. These include Buy Now and Make offer but we now also do Transfer, Tender and Tender_Percentage as purchase options on listings. The listing does not have an end date but an expiry date, after which the item is removed from the site.

  • Webcast - used in Webcast auctions only. Webcast items do not have an end time and can only be sold in the Webcast ring.

Item Fields Information

  • Lot Number - Is the number of the item in the auction. This is displayed publicly and is used to associate images when bulk uploading. You may use any alphanumerical reference here, up to 20 characters. We recommend using simple numerical references such as 1, 2, 1a, 25b, 17c, etc. This will keep image association simple and potentially reduce bidder confusion. Note that Lot number may also be represented as Lot # and Item Number in various places.

  • Title and Summary (usually the estimate value) - Are shown on the lot listing page.

  • Description - Is shown on the item details page only.

  • Category - Here you can enter either text, or the ID number of the category you wish to associate the item to. Be aware that it must adhere to the preset categories in order not to return an error.

  • Vendor - Each item needs to have a vendor associated. This allows you to give vendors access to the My Sales area where they can track the progress of the items being sold.

  • End Date \ End Time - This will take the defaults from the auction, each item in an auction can have a different end time and date.

  • Buyers Premium - This will be the auction default but can edited and changed for each item.

  • Charges - Any charges that apply to the item. The defaults is 0.00.

  • Hammer Tax - This is the tax rate to be applied to the Hammer price. If no value is specified this field will be set to the auction default.

  • Buyer's Premium (BP) Tax - This is the tax rate to be applied to the Buyers Premium. If no value is specified this field will be set to the auction default.

  • Charges Tax - This is the tax rate for item Charges. If no value is specified this field will be set to the auction default.

  • Currency - Specify the currency to use for this item. If no value is specified this field will be set to the auction default.

  • Display Price - Used for listings only, this publicly displays a price in the item box.

  • Purchase Option - This is where you set if the item has buy now or make offer enabled.

  • Purchase Price - If Buy Now is enabled enter your Purchase Price here. If Make Offer is enabled all offers received below or including the Purchase Price entered will be automatically rejected by the system.

  • Opening Bid - Stipulates what price you wish bidding to start at. No Autobids or Offers lower than this amount set can be made by public users.

  • Bid Increment - Enter the value by which you want the bidding to increase - this can be editing during an auction in the bid table. If there is no opening bid then the reserve will return to the Auctioneer default.

  • Reserve Price - Any bids below the value entered will show as being below reserve via the Reserve Bar in the lot box.

  • Quantity - Select how many units are included in the Lot/Listing.

  • Bidding Type - Bidding can be per lot or per unit/item.

  • Contact Seller - Enabling this option allows users to send messages to the selected contact.

  • Location - When creating the auction, tick the box within the Location tab to set the auction location as the Auctioneer's default. This can be edited per auction/item.

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